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2014-08-11 14:06 來源:未知 作者:責任編輯 點擊:次

Lecture: A History of U.S. Memorial Day

  Host: Sergeant Minter

  Staff Sergeant Joshua Minter is a member of the new Marine Security Guard detachment at the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang. The United States Marine Corps, one of seven uniformed services of the U.S., “are soldiers of the sea, providing forces and detachments to naval ships and shore operations,” according to their official website. They also undertake land operations and are trained to respond quickly to various crisis situations. Ssgt. Minter has served in posts all over the world, including Iraq, the Mediterranean, Africa, Haiti, and Afghanistan. He joined the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group in 2012 and was assigned to post in the Netherlands for 14 months before arriving in Shenyang. He has been awarded combat aircrew wings with three gold stars, three air medals, a joint service achievement medal, and two Navy achievement medals for his performance on duty. Ssgt. Minter’s service and background in the Marines has equipped him with unique knowledge and experience to speak on the history of the Memorial Day holiday in the U.S. Memorial Day is celebrated every year on the last Monday of May in remembrance of the men and women who have died while serving in the American armed forces. It has a long and colorful history, which is inseparable from the history of the United States and its development into the nation it is today. Please join us for a very interesting lecture on American military and cultural history!

  注意事項: 歡迎任何感興趣的人士免費參加活動。請至少提前1天預約座位,留下你的姓名和身份證號碼,額滿為止。如果你是幫別人預約,需要輸入所有人員的信息,包括姓名、身份證號碼、電話和郵箱地址。活動當天,你無須出示電子票,必須出示有效身份證件,方可進入領事館。16:50開放入場,17:40后將不再允許入場,請至少提前15分鐘即17:15到達,以免延誤。



  地點 :美國駐沈陽總領事館簽證等候大廳 (另有通知除外)

  時間:6月12日下午17:30 - 18:30

